Ancient AmberMUSH History

AmberMUSH started back in late 1991. When it opened, until the middle of March 1995, I played the character Jasra, from the books. From July 1993 until some time in 1998 or so, I played Senusia, an original creation; I also played Cordelia from early 1997 to 1998 or so.

This is a collection of OLD documents about AmberMUSH, that I thought would be amusing to throw up somewhere for the AmberMUSH group on Facebook.

AmberMUSH History FAQ

Archive of the commonly asked questions about AmberMUSH history.

Archive of

Thanks to the wayback machine, again.

House Amblerash

House Amblerash is a Minor House in the Courts of Chaos. It doesn't have that many members, but it's Real Cool Anyway. Here is its official home page.

Chaos Names

Ever wondered about those funny Chaosian names with the prefixes? Here's the master document explaining all.

Amber Satiral Writings

Tiffany's Amber, and the AmberMUSH Libretto amongst other things.

Sarah Elizabeth Aragorn Barimen

Logs from

The Cult of the Ubiquitous Unicorn

Heresy in the Church of the Unicorn logs.

Caine, Dalt, and Gavin  

Some of Fred Hicks' characters on AmberMUSH.